Thanks for submitting your information!

Next Steps

Congratulations!  You’ve just started the process to claim your ERTC rebate which could be worth $26k per W2 employee.  

You’ll soon receive a call from our friendly staff to confirm your information and explain the next steps.  Usually we call within 1-2 business hours.

If you have any questions you can email us at or call 855-499-ZOOM.

What’s next you might wonder?  We will tell you which tax documents you’ll need to gather so our CPAs can get to work putting your ERTC refund estimate together.  We will guarantee your return to the penny – no wild guesses!

Over 3,000 Businesses Can't Be Wrong

Find out what our accounting professionals can secure for your business today.

These are just some of the businesses we’ve helped in the past 30 days.

Business Consulting Firm in Newport Beach, California, 19 W-2 Employees;
$44,960 Credit 

Presentation Design Agency in Nashville, TN, 19 W-2 Employees;
$162,979 Credit

Restaurant Ownership Group in Florida, 224 W-2 Employees;
$1,120,000 Credit 

Landscaping Company in Charlotte, NC, 20 W-2 Employees;
$74,000 Credit 

Montessori School in Addison, Illinois, 35 W-2 Employees;
$175,000 Credit

Begin your Claim - Answer 10 Questions

Your time investment will be under 15 minutes – guaranteed.

And could be worth tens of thousands in free money. 

Zoom Refund


Copyright Zoom Refund 2022